CallRail Integrations & Tracking

Track Every Call with CallRail Integrations & Tracking.
CallRail Integrations & Tracking

Want to know which campaigns are driving calls and understand what happens after the phone rings? With SmartMetrics, our CallRail Integrations & Tracking service helps you set up a seamless system to track every call, connect it to your marketing efforts, and gain the insights you need to optimize ad spend and boost ROI.

What We Do

  • CallRail Setup & Configuration: We handle the complete CallRail setup, from configuring phone numbers to aligning tracking with your marketing campaigns.
  • Google Ads & Analytics Integration: We integrate CallRail with Google Ads to track calls as conversions, helping you see exactly which campaigns and keywords are driving phone leads. We also sync CallRail with Google Analytics so you can monitor call data alongside your website metrics.
  • Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI): We set up dynamic number insertion to make sure you’re accurately attributing calls to the correct campaigns, traffic sources, or keywords—giving you a full view of what's working.
  • Lead Scoring & Tagging: We implement lead scoring and tagging within CallRail, allowing you to prioritize high-quality leads and understand the effectiveness of each campaign.
  • Reporting & Insights: We create customized reports that give you a complete picture of call performance, campaign attribution, and caller insights, so you can make data-driven marketing decisions.

Why Hire SmartMetrics

Call tracking is critical to understanding how offline interactions contribute to your overall marketing success. At SmartMetrics, we ensure your CallRail setup is working seamlessly with your other tools, like Google Ads and Analytics, giving you the full visibility you need. We ensure every call is accounted for, so you can focus on optimizing your campaigns and driving more conversions.complete

Contact SmartMetrics today, and let’s set up a CallRail integration that gives you the insights you need to make the most of every call.

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